Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thoughts on Purpose Driven Passion

This morning we looked at how God takes up residence in the praises of His people. That He actually moves in like moving into a house...when His named is praised. Passion for God is contagious... It spreads like wildfire touching everyone that come in contact with it.

Last week we laid a foundation that if we exalt Christ, then He will draw all people to Himself. This week we talked about God residing in the praises of His people. To be passionate it must totally be about Him.

People that lack passion for God are usually allowing that very passion to be drained by something other than what God intended. How can we stay passionate?

1) What is the focus of your existance? To keep the passion burning keep your mind on the good, great, powerful, awesome things that God has done for you. When the enemy of your soul tries to steal your joy (and he will).....fight for it! Don't let Satan drive you into the miry muck of helplessness....stand up against him! Passionate people fight for the things of God...not in our own strength but in His! When your flesh desires an intimate dance with sin....RESIST...not in your ability to resist but in His ability to see you through the temptation. STAY FOCUSED ON THE PURPOSE OF GOD TO KEEP THAT PASSION THAT DRIVES YOU!

2) What are you committed to in this life? You have to be 100% "souled" out to keep that passion alive. Commit your life to Christ...give it all to Him! Allow Him to use your life that He might live through you. I challenge you to offer all that you are and all that you have to God...RIGHT NOW! That's passsion with purpose. Here are some things you must commit to in order to keep the passion burning....r u u want the truth...can u handle the truth? Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with fresh fire (stop right here and ponder what I just said)! The Spirit will always point you to Christ. Find out specifically what God has called you to do and serve in that capacity. Obedience is greater than any sacrifices you may make along the way. Finally, I have to say it....make sure you are committed to a church that is committed to Christ. If a Christian can attend church, then they should!

1 comment:

Ken Tuck said...

Awesome post Bro! You are right in all of your points. I can't add anything to it. You nailed it Bro!
Thanks for your passion for Jesus Christ.
Love you Bro!
