Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well, its two nights until Christmas and I think we are finished with every thing. We are spending tonight and tomorrow with my family in Atlanta. We are at Mike and Morgan' flew in last week. It will be her first Christmas without Jake. She is doing good, but we keep her busy to keep her mind off things. Eventually, she will have to learn to be alone, but we just didn't want that to be during the holidays. My mom is a great person, and I know things will work out for her. I really miss Jake...its just hard to believe that he is gone. Its weird not talking to him or about him while she's with us. She gets sad in the evenings because when she traveled she always called to tell him what she did during the day.

It looks like Lindy is going to be a big sister. Mike and Morgan are expecting...please pray for them as they have had so many challenges carrying full term. But she's far enough along that things look good right now. Lindy, Morgan and Mike just made sugar cookies after our throw down on some tacos!

I love being with my family. I hate my sisters couch, though. I never sleep good on that thing!

Mikey and Chris are down stairs playing ping pong. Mikey was all excited as he beat me for the first time ever last night. I am about to go lay the smack on them!

Laurie and I went to WalMart but were to cheap to buy the big screen, but its close...we really want one. We are struggling between a cheaper plasma or paying more for the LCD. I would love and LED...but wow have you seen the price.

I think we have done good shopping for the kids. We have no credit card bills to pay, and nothing was financed...Christmas is paid for! That excites us when we don't have bills after Christmas. Thats a good feeling and a goal her and I have had the past couple years.

Trying to get Laurie to get in the hot tub, but she's afraid of the cold. I told her once you get in the tub its only cold outside. Starting to think its me she does not trust. Anyhow, I'm not scared think I'm going to play ping pong, catch a DVD, and then relax in the hot tub.

Merry Christmas to ya!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Church Service New Location @ The Hampton Inn Conference Center

I have some exciting news to share. Starting December 20th Christ-Life will begin meeting in the Hampton Inn Conference Center. If you have been with us any time at all it is the same facility we used a while back. Its a good location for us to re-launch from.

I know this has been a difficult transition over the past year and a half, and I commend all of you for hanging in there. Meeting at the house has been a challenge when it comes to numeric growth, but it kept us in fellowship with each other until we were able to raise some money to rent a facility. As you know, a few months ago we layed out a strategy for the end of the year. In that we discussed a few options that would be dictated by the amount of money we were able to raise. With that in mind the elders and I felt the best option was to begin renting the Hampton Inn until we could regain some families and finances.

So, we invite all of you to worship with us for our "Greatest Gift of All" Christmas service. Coffee and donuts will be served at 10AM, and service will start promptly at 10:30. As always we will be receiving a special Christmas offering that will go towards the re-launch of our church. Please come and bring a friend!

Sunday night Laurie and I would like to invite everyone to our home for a Christmas celebration. Bring a covered dish and everything else will be provided. Please let us know how many will be coming with you. The fun will get started at 6 PM. We will be playing Christmas Bingo.

Next Sunday the 27th Christ-Life will be conducting a special communion service with a special message titled Remember When. In times like these I think its important that we look back and reflect upon the good things that God has done. Those times He really came through. So bring your family for this special message and communion.

I hope to see you there!!!

In Christ's Love,
Pastor Mike