I am going to bed with this thought tonight after watching the first video of the Purpose Driven Passion series. I have no clue what I am doing! After following the blog of other pastors that have been in it as long as I have they feel the same way, but they seem to be doing it right.
I question myself in exposing how I really feel. But I am convinced that I have no clue how this church thing is supposed to go. I have tried everything and done everything I know to try and do. Yet our church just is not growing....and yes I mean numerically! Which concerns me whether we are growing spiritually!
One time a couple years ago I borrowed something from Hillcrest Baptist called high attendance Sunday. They had so much success doing it! It was simple..invite a friend, we will preach Jesus, and we will give them a good meal. They had people everywhere...their members brought friends and family. They experienced one of their highest attendance to date. So I thought I have to try that! I remeber that two people brought someone. And our attendace was an all time low...we had like 30 in church that day. So, I said I will never do that again!
Our church is full of nice people, the music is good, and the preaching isn't even that bad if I say so myself. So, I have no idea why we are not growing. Which leads me to believe that I have no clue what I am doing! I know I sound like a babbling results oriented nut case, but after nine years of preaching about church growth, in just about every area there is to preach about, that we would have grown in some of them.
This past week I encouraged everyone to invite others, emailed our entire list on several occasions, set a goal of 100 people and we have less than we did a week ago. I preach on money and we have the lowest offering ever. I have the reverse effect syndrom. If I preach on it, or heaven forbid that I brag about something good in our church, its like we just stop. I teach about church growth...we get smaller. I teach on financial blessing...noone gives. I have threatened to teach on sex (within the confines of marriage of course) and see what happens there! Anyway, I just don't have a clue! And that's what I will wrestle with as I go off to bed tonight. Can someone help me? Or I am going to preach on sex!
Take time to rest
1 year ago
Sometimes we have to back up, and re-think the situation. Maybe following the acts of another pastor is hindering your true calling. Instead of doing what they are doing, follow what God leads you to do. Sometimes we try too hard to make something happen, and we need to back up and think "who is in control?" There is only one, and that's God. Put it in his hands and watch things turn around. The Devil has taken a toll on a lot of us lately, but we must trust in God to defeat the evil. So maybe a sermon on sex or marriage would be a good idea, turn the church building over to him and just preach his word as you do so well. We believe in you, and know that Your heart is in the Church, Now lets build it on the word of God, and watch it grow.
I appreciate your comment. I rarely borrow from other pastors unless its something I just think should be tried. I develop all my own sermons and usually my own sermon series. You are right I don't need to be fashioned by others. I pretty much preach what I feel God has layed on my heart.
Trust me I have wrestled for years with God is it me or is it you...that's part of being a leader in the kingdom. I can live with that. As far as thinking...I could write a book on all the personal, ministry, and spiritual changes I have gone through.
David, as great as our church is I just don't know why we are not growing. But thank you for being honest. I am not asking someone to stroke me and make me feel good. I am ticked becasue I want the best for the people I love. That was a great post. Oh, yeah I am following you on twitter.
We should be constantly asking God for direction. Yes, God can speak to us directly. I also believe that he can speak to other pastors and use them to minister to us. Most of the creative ideas for ministry that I have had have been borrowed from other ministries or businesses. I wish I had a clue. I feel the same way with the youth ministry. The more I try to help it grow, the less it grows.
Maybe I should rephrase that. There's nothing at all wrong with borrowing ideas from other pastors, churches or members. And yes, God will work through others, I can testify to that from my own experiences. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes when we try so hard at something, we lose focus, I am sooooo guilty of that myself. Maybe we all as a church need to get together one night, pray and brainstorm, see where it leads us.
Well, Justin you have been a trooper. If anyone deserves the opportunity to grow and flourish it is you. You still have lots of time ahead of you and opporturnity will come. I can see avenues opening for you that maybe you yourself cannot see. You have given 100% in all you have done for our church. Every time the kids come home they always have something positive to say...Laurie enjoyed laying on the floor and eating donuts from a string.
Another great post...man you are always encouraging and right on. Those are things we have done. I will be honest. We have generated some great ideas, and then we just didn't follow through properly. At times we are more reactive than proactive. I agree that the desire to grow can consume a person. Particularly, if that is what they think the most important result is. It is important to me but not the most important. Seeing the lost come to Christ is the absoloute most important thing on this planet. And if a church is not passionate about seeing souls come to Christ ... it will not grow properly...it will not invite people...it will not witness to people...and the list can go on. The danger is after so many failed attempts you become weiry about putting challenges out there...heck someone from another church just called and noted that noone took me up on my challenge to create a sign (Tony talked to me in person) and said they would do it for us.
Mike - From my point of view, your church has grown dramatically over the years. I think that attendance is one measure of growth, but not the only measure and definetly not the most important measure. When I come to visit your church and see what you have done there and all the people that you motivate to do better on a daily basis, I leave inspired. I think that one thing that maybe has kept your church from an "attendance" growth is that your church is different...and I mean that in a good way. You don't have a congregation that fills the pews and then leaves each Sunday afternoon to live whatever life they want to live. You have a congregation that lives a life for Christ. You are very intentional and direct about topics that some preachers glaze over -- that type of directness either inspires and motivates or intimidates. Some people just don't want to hear the truth!! Anyway, I'm sure this is a very unexpected comment from your little sis, but I personally think your one of the strongest leaders I know and you should continue leading people to God...the numbers will follow!
Love you!
Thanks Morgan...I don't know what to say. That was a great post that I hope the folks in our church will take it to heart. I know it really means alot to hear you say something like that. I love you, Mike and Linda very much!
Prayer really helped me tonight! I have so many wonderful people that really love me in our church. I have a wonderful pastor and his wifeand family. I have such a compassionate pastor that he asks me how I"m doing tonight when I have'nt been in church or been there for him. I have been so stressed out with school and work that I haven't had time for the people who care abot me the most or for God. Pastor Mike I"m sorry I haven't been in church but I haven't forgoton that if it wasn't for you and the message you gave in church I would't be the person I am today and I know I don't say this enough but I really appreciate and love you and your family. Jennifer Swasey
Jennifer, you are always so sweet. You know me, I just become concerned when people miss alot of church. Lack of fellowship lessens your likelihood of having those Godly relationships that everybody needs. Also, faith was a big topic at tonights prayer meeting...scripture says, "faith comes by hearing the Word of God." Not to say you have not been in the word...but after 20 years I have realized that when a person is out of church they usually allow their other spiritual disciplines to slip as well.
You know you are one of those very special people that I will never forget the day you came to Christ. Laurie and I love you and Jeremy very much...its folks like the both of you that make the tough times of ministry worth it all.
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