Yesterday in church I shared a message titled 'The Labor of Love'. I began by talking about how difficult it is to love people, especially if you have a hard time liking them. We focused on Matthew 22:34-42 where Jesus tells the disciples (that's us!) to love the Lord with ALL our heart, ALL our hearts, and ALL of our minds. Then he went on to tell that we should love our neigbour like we love ourselves.
Dr. James Dobson wrote a book on marriage a few years back called "Love Must Be Tough". I have come realize that love must be tough and that there is time for tough love. Yet the challenge to truly love everyone is a so laborious. Honestly, it is so difficult to love those whom you don't like. And the reason you may not like someone is so could be a personality clash, attitudes in general, their lack of integrity, unforgiveness on one side or the other, the way the live, and the list could go on.
I have found that alot of Christians have no problem loving others, but they struggle with self love. ITS OKAY TO LOVE YOURSELF. I had a good friend in college, Craig Gray. He and I worked together waiting tables. Of course, we worked with tons of women. So beauty talk was a big issue in the breakroom. One day Craig and I started acting out ( I know you may find that hard to believe). We acted like beauty queens...and I would like to thank all of you who voted for me...I want you to know that I love myself...I will make the world a better place...we can live in peace...but most importantly I just want you to know how much I love me. You can imagine we were ripping it up. Had the walk going...the talk going. It was hilarious. Do you believe that was almost 20 years ago, and when we see each other we still do that. His brother David (whom most of you know as Pastor David) does it just about every time we talk on the phone. I am not talking about beauty pageant/fake self love when I suggest you love yourself. Honestly, how many people don't love themselves because of past mistakes they have made? I made the point that a young girl who begins to act out sexually to get people to like her does not respect herself...and if she has trouble respecting herself the how will she love herself. How 'bout critical Christians always talking about others...I have found usually talking about themselves....insecure. Hey, listen, I didn't start getting others saved until I got me saved. Maybe you need to forgive yourself of some things you have done. Your personal failure does not write you off as unworthy of love...especially not Gods love.
As you learn to be at peace with learn to love others. But that thing about love God with ALL our heart, soul and mind. That's what I challenged the church to commit to Sunday morning. Getting back to loving God with ALL,ALL,ALL. This may seem like strange talk in our culture, but we have to love God more than ourselves, our family, our money, our hobby, and so on. I have learned the more I express my love for God and to God. The more I sense God filling me with His love. I love my wife like I do because I truly love my God. And because I love my God He gives me His love in turn that allows me to love my wife like Christ loved the church even willing to lay down my life for her. The more I love God...and He in turn reveals His love to me...I can then love my children better because I know the love of my Heavenly Father. That even includes in disciplining them...if you don't discipline you don't love them. LET'S BE REAL GOD LOVES US LONG BEFORE WE LOVE HIM. While we were at our worst in rebellion and hatred towards Him He loved us and sent His Son to the cross to show how muh he loved us. So today I am asking you to re-commit you love not just your life to God. God Bless and Pray for those in Gustav's path.
Take time to rest
1 year ago
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Good post Bro. and great message. In today's rush, rush paced society it seems so many people have time for everything but loving God. It must break His heart to see His creation acting this way. How much more does it make Him smile when He sees someone loving Him with all of their heart, soul, mind and body?
That part about forgiving yourself and loving yourself is so true. I know I went a long time not forgiving or loving myself. But, once that break through happens, you are able to love God with everything that's within you, and you are able to love yourself.
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