Word is getting around. People all over town are talking about our church having fellowship in the park until we are able to locate a building. Praise God the church is not about a building. Its about God's people. So many believers have joined their faith with ours that it is going to be better than ever. I am so pumped! I honestly thought I would be anxiety riddled by now, but the Lord has given me so much peace. Guys I am more excited than I have been in a very long time. I think IT is happening! Imagine the possibility of someone coming to the park to walk their dog...and leaving a born-again Christian! I still believe we can grow to 1000 people. We have no excuses now. Its all on God, but fulfilling the call is up to us. Let's be faithful to the call!
Take time to rest
1 year ago
I played a pickup game at my apt complex and got a chance to invite some guys to the fellowship in the park. When I mentioned food, their eyes lit up. I can't wait 'til Sunday. When you start to feel IT, it becomes natural to invite people...
Last night, my devotion just happened to be 2 Samuel 7. Check out verses 5-17 where God expresses how He feels about being in a tent versus a temple. I found it to be very encouraging!
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