I wanted to thank everyone for a very good Sunday service. I really appreciate those of you who invited people to church. That was the Sunday assignment...just invite people. It was great to hear so many people talking about who they invited. I was blessed to know that DeWayne and Sandi's neighbor came with them. Matthew had his step-son and his friend. Just a joy to meet them. I think Jeremy better marry that girl he invited (oops she wasn't a visitor...good to see you in church Jenny-fur!!!!) Even if the person or persons you invited did not come it was still a success. Why? Because I realize for some of you that was a major step outside of the box. Just keep inviting them! Eventually, they will come. I bet I invited 20 people and not one showed up! Laurie and I targeted one in particular and he just couldn't make it this Sunday. We have been working on him for a long time. His son has committed his life to Christ at TPH and he will be next! Those folks you were inviting are the people you need to spend time in prayer over. Asking God to save them and to draw them by His Spirit. In the midst of the crazy adventure we are about to embark upon let's still keep trusting God to add people to our fellowship.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the cookout after Sunday service. I have never seen that many people stay. I think that 100% of the people in attendance stayed for the cookout. It was amazing! As a matter of fact, there was hardly a left over to be had. I noticed all of our visitors were greeted by several of our church folks. Praise & Worship was awesome! Good job praise team! What happened this Sunday can not be a one time event. This needs to be the nature of our ministry... How about the response at the conclusion of the message. I have been told that when I get save God will really use me (I'm still praying about all that). I was blown away by Sundays altar time. To be honest I wanted time to freeze so I could just stand there and take it all in as God moved on different hearts. Anyway, just wanted everyone to know that I thought Sunday was a success...keep IT going!!!!! Please take a moment to post your thoughts!
Take time to rest
1 year ago
What an awesome day! Thanks Pastor for your leadership in this. Several people told me of who they invited. Let's keep it up and not be afraid to share Christ with people and invite them to our fellowship even though we don't have a clue where we will meet.The building is not as important and bringing them into the kingdom of God.I want to encourage anyone who invited people that didn't come this time. Remember it is Holy Spirit who draws them. It is our job to be obedient and available and let God be responsible for the results.If we will focus on bringing people into fellowship with God through Jesus Christ our fellowship (church) will grow.
Lets just do IT.
Great service! Pastor, I like how you divided up responsibilities to leaders who already had teams in place. Everyone did their part to make sure that it was a success. I praise God for all that He did and will do in our church!
i am out of gas on highway to elba
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