Today I realize God is up to something bigger than what any of us can truly see. The world scene is CRAZY! Iranian leader in US blasting us at every opportunity. Russia seems so wishee-washee in their relationships overall. Georgian president giving what seems to be sound advise that our leaders need to listen to. Pakistan and USA exchanging fire on the border. China constantly producing defective products. America looking at a finanacial collapse.
My question in all this is, Where do we turn? Imagine if our economy cascades into a depression... we as believers will have to trust God for mere existance, neighbors will have to help neighbors, frugality will need to be a way of life, credit will not be instantaneous, shortage will be unavoidable, and world war could be a harsh reality. I am not typically one to keep an eye on so many world events and try to produce intelligible commentary. But this is to monumental to turn a blind eye.
I sense that God is on the move. That there is a shaking that has begun.... Scripture tells us that this will happen. Now, I have never been a dooms-day gloomy the world is going to hell in a hand basket type of preacher. Yet, what will it take for people to turn to God...I think some Christians have even had it so easy that their dependence has never been 100% upon the provision of God. I will go out on a limb...there may even be some persecution coming for the church. We have had verbal assaults but how will westernized believers respond when their faith is tested to the core? What will happen when our positive confession of immediate health and wealth comes up as empty as the doctrine itself. We have bought into the instant gratification culture as much as the secular humanist. Evidenced by consumer driven churchology. Kinda like if the Community Church Super Market doesn't have it I will just go to the Baptimart.
Ironically, I feel like God is pulling some things together both eschatologically and immediately. My spirit leaps at the fact that we are being forced to do church in a way that we have never done it before. Next week we have decided to meet in the park...because we have nowhere to go...and do you know whats crazy .... I AM PUMPED. I can see lost people checking us our and getting saved. I can see believers gathered around in lawn chairs and worshipping while the sun sets. Maybe in a crazy world God will have to birth some crazy churches that will minister to a crazy world!!! Call me crazy but I think God is up to something! What about you?
Take time to rest
1 year ago
I am more excited to see what God is going to do than I have been in a while. The anticipation is building... No pun intended. I thought of a church name: Church on the Move or Church Without Walls or Doors or a Roof, etc. I know more copycat names. What is your next series? Have you thought about doing a series that plays off our current predicament?
I have being in the park will cause me to adjust it just a tad. I want to do something called The Healer...This week, ironically, my last bucket list point for our last service in "their" building is going to be about forgiveness...that was planned before they asked us to vacate.
God is up to something and that something is saving souls and changing lives. He's been working through TPH or whatever the name of the church will be for the past eight years and He is going to continue to do so. Now that y'all will be completely washed clean from that certain group in "Mecca," I know a great move of God is coming. Those services in the park will be a great opportunity to reach people. I love the excitement y'all have about this change. Change doesn't have to be bad, and in this case change is a very good thing. Watch for God to move fast. I just feel like y'all are about to see some awesome things happen quickly. That's not a "thus sayest the Lord" word. I just feel that in my spirit.
After reading your blog, I read our pastor's message in the latest Harvest Church newsletter. God must have pastors addressing what's going on in the nation and world and reminding His people not to worry. Here's a link to that newsletter:
Pastor Ralph shares some wise words and excellent scripture.
I love all of y'all. Keep doing what you're doing. God is up to something awesome!
Thanks Ken! Everyone knows Laurie's pap from Tennessee. He called me today and told me that he and grandma had spent the day in prayer for us. He was moved by the Spirit of God to call me and encourage me that things are about to greater than we had ever imagined. I am so pumped that its freaking me out. We have been stripped of just about everything we felt we needed to do God will have to come through. I believe He will.
Love you guys,
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