Saturday, February 28, 2009
Never Forget...March 1st...TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY
I guess it weighs so heavy on me since my daughter was one of the students in the school. I remember it was 1 pm and I was calling the school from the road out front asking them to let Brooke drive home...thank God they didn't let her out. It was pouring as hard as I had ever seen rain come down, and then it just stopped the sun came out and the humidity was crazy. So, I ran in to get her out of school. I remember behind me was an ominous cloud...but I thought nothing of it.
Ten minutes later I am on the phone with Laurie telling her to take cover as the tornado was heading our way. I remember calling Brooke to see where she was...the tornado had already entered that side of the school and she yelled dad get down... its here. So I dove on the floor face first and called Laurie...the final thing Laurie heard me say was I love you...I don't know whats going to happen... I love you baby...she could hear people screaming and the wind was blowing across my phone. Me and the girl beside took turns looking out the skylight as the tornado went over until we felt the suction pulling on us...that was freaky. I remember trying to dig my fingers into marble floors and yelling "in the name of". Then the ceiling tiles all sucked up, my ears popped and within seconds it was over.
I ran to get Brooke not completely aware of what had just happened. Brooke was in the band room and Mr. Ford had put her and other girls in a cubby hole while he shielded them from the debris. Along the way a person yelled..."pastor Mike please go check on my mother in a white thunderbird." When I went outside there was no white thunderbird. The wild thing was that the lady that I saw is a lady that I know from all the yard saling I do. I asked her months later if she found her mother. She stared at me and said "Mike I was not in the school". And I never found a lady in a white thunderbird. But right around the corner was the location where everyone was killed after ther the tornado. I oftern wonder why God spared me from turning that corner. Because if I would have seen AJ and Ryan I know I would have jumped in to help hold that wall.
Once outside it looked like a war zone. Being one of the very few adults in the area I quickly became a self appointed leader. I ended up in triage. What freaked me out was while organizing to get all the students over to Hillcrest Baptist another siren sounded and we were all outside. I remember kids coming out with broken legs, head wounds that I could see their skulls, injuries requiring stitches and more. Everyone had glass, dirt, celing tile and blood on them.
I will never forget the moment I heard..."Daddy, Daddy". I am crying right now thinking about it. We had no way to communicate with anyone. So, Brooke and I worked in triage until every student was accounted for. I remember so many parents coming to look for their kids...I had mine but there was rumors of trapped kids in third hall. I remember the Vadenzek family looking for their daughter, and all I could tell them that there were kids trapped in the school ...not knowing that their daughter was gone.
I remember Ronnie Gilley coordinating all the guys with 4 wheel drives because we had to get people to the hospital. I remember using tables for gurnies. Carrying kids and adults with serious injuries to trucks that could go over the downed trees and poles. I will never forget Justin Swasey, our youth pastor, walking up to me like he was in shock. He was covered with debris...he lookes really scared. He had been in the exact area where much of the damage and injury took place. Four hours later we arrived was the first that my wife had heard from us. She told me calls from all over the country had come and she could not even confirm that Brooke and I were alive as some deaths had already been reported.
After the TV and Dothan Eagle interview Brooke and I did. We ended up on every major and minor news outlet. Trust me they tracked us down once our name was in the media. I remember the Today Show and Good Morning America crews fighting over who was getting the first interview with us.
For the next month we did all we could to help Enterprise recover. Its hard to believe it has been two years because I remember it like it was yesterday. I will Never Forget!
Friday, February 27, 2009
GIVE UP ... Final Thoughts
If the posts I made insuated that Laurie and I are having trouble, then you are a genius! Unfortunately, no lines to read between. I have come to realize how sinicle (not sure how to spell that) we can be at times.
I assure you I love my wife and the last three days I have rose to the challenge, and I feel like I am on track with what God wanted me to do. This is not a do it for a little while change...this is a permanent change that I want to make.
One thing I have learned from giving up all that I desire and focusing on my has become won't believe this...I find I am giving up to other folks as well. I have not focused on my dreams and goals all week. Now, keep in mind I am 100% committed to what God has called me to do. But, sometimes my personal ambition gets weeded amongst Gods will. I am still doing what it is that I know God has called me to do. Taking Care of My Family! Pastoring!! Leading!!! But all the assumed results has not been my focus. You aren't going to believe this. I even feel better about myself! Trust me there is noone who gets upset with Mike Shroades more than Mike Shroades.
I will still pursue the will of God...but I have come to the conclusion that some of my goals were all about me. The hoped for results have not been accomplished, but in other areas we have over achieved. Regardless, its time for me to re-prioritize some things in my life.
Sometimes you have to give up to go up!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
GIVE UP con't
Just to bring some clarity to this thought of GIVE UP, basically so my mother will not worry about me....
"And you husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. HE GAVE UP HIS LIFE FOR HER (Ephesians 5:26 NLT)."
I was in Florida taking a walk and praying. I asked God to do something in my wife's life that concerned following the will of God. During that walk there was not some sort of audible voice. It was just me kinda praying in my heart to God.
When I got back to my hotel room the scripture listed above was what I read. I bet I have read that a thousand times. But the latter part felt like God was tatooing it to the front of my brain. I still see it even as I type....HE GAVE UP HIS LIFE FOR HER!
I have always loved my wife...I have heard all the messages on loving and serving...But for some reason God has really been bringing this home. No matter what I do in life I need my wife by my side. And God took that few minutes to rock my world. It was as if He showed me what Jesus could have been if He would not have been crucified at the age of 33. How awesome, influential and successful he could have been if he could have lived longer. HE GAVE IT ALL UP FOR THE CHURCH... that's me and you.
And it hit me that God was calling me to do the same out of love for my wife. Just like Christ laid his life down for us...I am to lay my life, my dreams, my goals, my whatever down for her...actually He has called me and every husband out there to give up our lives for her. All because we love her.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
GIVE UP! Con't
I have to tell you this first...some people are so caring...that one guy came running to my house when he saw my post yesterday afraid that something was wrong. Far from it! But, the gesture was a rare showing of concern and it made me feel good that someone cared enough to drop all they were doing just to check on me. I promise my marriage is as good as it has ever been. I just desire to make it better...
Anyway, back to Debbie. She knows me as well as anyone and she hit it right on the head. I have to be quiet and listen. Anyone who knows me is saying...someone finally told him to shut-up. In response to her email I found myself in tears over a painful situation my wife has been going through recently...much to my surprise she has been going through it for years because she goes through it every time I go through it!
What is it? The loss of good church members. The problem is that I look at losing people from a different set of lenses than she does. You see sometimes for different reasons people choose to leave the church they attend. Laurie and I have lost good people just like every other pastor that is out there in this field. Its part of being in the ministry! I have always taken it so personally. It has been a real growth process for me to let go when people feel it is time to move on.
The difference is that I look at losing numbers, and Laurie looks at losing friends. I look at how it will effect me and my job. She looks at the years of memories. The love that has been shared. The relationships that are, sad to say, coming to an end. Not that I don't think about those things its just I worry about what other people might think... I worry about that kind of stuff too much (there's an honest confession).
We have a couple in our church that we have loved for years and they have loved us. A few weeks ago they told me that they felt like God was moving them elsewhere. Amazingly, I have handled it pretty good. Unfortunately, I have watched my wife cry over another potential friend that she is losing. They have assured us it is nothing personal, nothing wrong with the church just a need to move on to the next phase of their lives. I am losing a great leader who does alot in the church....Laurie is losing a great friend. Do you see the difference in how we look at things? People always say that we are still going to hang-out, be friends, visit with you, and so on...but it never happens...not in 20 years of ministry has that happened.
I lay this out there to say in all the years and all the people that have come and gone. I always have looked at how it will effect me and the church. I have rarely taken the time to seriously reflect on how it has hurt my lovely wife through the years. You see I lose people, but she loses friends. I have been upset with people that used my babysit and then walk out on her. But, I have never really considered the emotional loss Laurie goes through. It really is our loss. We miss many of the people that have left for one reason or another.
By the way thank you to all of you that prayed for me yesterday. As things arose in everyday living I feel like I responded much better than previously stated. I am laying down my dreams, my goals, my desires to better serve and honor my wife. Not that I never loved, honored, treasured her before, because I have the greatest wife on the planet. That's where I used to say greatest pastors wife, but she not a pastors wife...she's my wife and I love her.
It has been one of the largest challenges I have ever felt God give me....but I have to give up to go up! One day I hope to show you the full picture! God willing!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
God Has Challenged Me To Give Up!
Has God ever asked you to give something up? Something you dreamed of...worse
yet something that you thought He had placed in your heart. God has really
challenged me in a certain area and He has asked me to give up on something.
This thought really came to me in a time of prayer. I thought I was
praying for my wife, but I was praying for me. I asked God to do something
in my
wife's life and God spoke to me about what I needed to do to make that goes against the grain of everything that I am as a leader. God
revealed to me that Laurie didn't need something .... I did. Then, God
showed me
in his Word that I have to give the process He revealed to
me that He
gave something up for His church.
I am failing
miserably...I am terrible
at what God has asked me to do...worse yet I am
not good at giving up...this
challenge is killing me...but I know I have to
do it. Please pray for me! It
involves putting my wife before my dreams, my
goals, my desires, and my anything
else us selfish men like.
I typically will take a God challenge by the
horns and go for it. I wish this
was over and I haven't even figured out how to
get it started.
New Series Starts Sunday
- Born dead
- Born to die
- Die daily
- Dead, Dead, Dead
- Then we go to heaven...but we have to be dead
The first series designed to kill you back to life!
Dead On Arrival Preview from Justin swasey on Vimeo.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday Wrap-Up!!!
Just to wrap the day up...we concluded our lovefest series.
Do you love Jesus? Requires more than lip requires action! The response Simon gave in John 21 is like ours...yes, the first time...yes, the second time...yes, the third time, but with irritation. Thus is ministry at times. There is irritation...but we must continue to feed the sheep.
The first time this question was asked to Simon he was told to feed the lambs. We must always have a culture within the church that knows how to handle new Christians. They need the milk of Gods word. Those of us that are mature in the Lord must allow the baby Christians to receive all the nourishment they can. If they are not strengthened the wolves will find them to be easy prey. Also, we must love our children and provide adequate ministry for them.
The second question was asked to Simon and he was told to tend to the sheep. We must never quit caring about and for each other. The world knows we are following Jesus by our love for each other. Please church be sure you get this. It is essential to you being a discple of Christ and a witness for Him.
The final question he asked Simon was the same but it irritated him. Unless you have been in the ministry for some time you may not understand that. There are times that dealing with sheep is irritating. Usually that's because the mature sheep are the ones you typically don't have to tend to, but there will come a time when even the mature within the church will need us. We must be there for those that are always there for others. They also need us as pastors to bring healthy spiritual food to the pulpit. Unbalanced theology will turn the stomach of mature sheep.
So, do you love Jesus? do your actions prove it?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Open Post Day!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Shout Out to Christ Life Church-Enterprise
The Potter's House did not deserve the things that Word of Life brought on them. I am fighting for a group of people that I love. You are worth fighting for. Its not just my battle, but until God tells me to shut-up my opinion will be made known.
Today I have had a WOL board member rake me over the coals, but I have been prepared for that for some time. On the other hand, Laurie and I have had dozens of wonderful people (even Clevelandites) contact us with nothing but love and support. Some folks we have not seen in 15 to 20 years.
I honestly believe that God had me hear for such a time as this. Sorry we have spent so many years dealing with this unfortunate situation. Once this chapter is finished only God knows where we will find ourselves.
You are good people and don't let anyone convince you that you are not. I know I push you hard sometimes...only because I beleive we have seriously untapped potential. I hope to see those abilities completely tapped one day!
Two Ministers DENY Being On Word of Life Board
Today I received an email from Dr. Mark Hanby's office. This is a portion of that email....
"Thank you for your email of concern. Just to be clear, Dr. Hanby NEVER agreed to be on the Board of Directors for Pastor Hank Davis. The first time that Dr. Hanby was aware that he was supposedly on the Board was a few years ago when the church was going through difficult times. At that time, Dr. Hanby called and made it clear that he had never been asked to serve on the Board of Directors, nor was he aware that his name had been listed as a member of the Board of Directors."
But, I am probably still the trouble making rebellious liar! All I ever wanted was to help the church I pastored. Word of Life knew when they asked me to pastor in Enterprise that I call it like I see it. Word of Life has done so much spiritual harm to me and others through the years that there are people that are scared to say anything. Well, I am not! And anyone who has said anything against them faces the ridicule of insubordination. And trust me the ridicule is mental torture. I would be glad to share my story of the first time Hank and his elder nailed me to the wall as a young leader in search of a mentor, but I was stupid enough to trust him again and again. That was my fault!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The World of Lies officials allowed the property that we payed on for years to go into foreclosure. Today it was auctioned on the county courthouse steps. All the idiots had to do was sign the property over to us as they said they would do.
If you would like to know the names of the board that did this to the church let me know and I will email a copy of the board members and the ministries they are affiliated with. Some are pastoring large churches, conference speakers and Christian television owners. You may want to know who they are so you can boycott them.
Lately, it has been a huge struggle as I go into public and many say they read about the church being foreclosed on in the paper. Many were going to the auction because the property is very valuable. I guess what annoys the number of pastors that wanted information...but only a couple even cared enough to ask if they could do anything to help. To be honest I have been really put off by the lack of sensitivity by many of the Christian leaders in the Enterprise area. I pray God will give me a chance to be a blessing if this ever happens to another church...or anything like it!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Florida Campus Doubles In Size

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Heading To Christ-Life Church Florida Campus

Justin and I are headed your way. We are ready for some intense time with Jesus and fellowship with some great people.
Everyone in the area is invited to attend Monday's service as we will get started at 7 pm. Call someone and invite a friend. Come expecting! Its gonna be good!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Valentine Shout Out
Excuses Are Like Armpits

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cheaters Never Win
Its not just young leaders that forgo the process. A disgraced pastor became part of our church some time ago. His immorality coupled with bad decisions had cost him the ability to continue in the church he was leading. He immediately dove into the ministries of our church. Going above and beyond the call of duty. So far above the call of duty that in a short while I had red-flags going up every time I saw him.
At the onset he came to me and asked where do you see me in this ministry? I was honest and told him he just needed to sit back take it in and get ministered to. Wisdom told me that he did not need to jump right in. He began meeting every first time visitor at our front door, and before they could be greeted by the greeters he would have their names and invite them to his house after the service. After a while many told me that made them feel very uncomfortable.
After a while this pastor confessed to me his offense that I did not have him in a leadership position. He attacked my staff, Told me I was intimidated by him. He lied. Ran my messages down in front of others....especially if they enjoyed the message. The list could go on. All this because I told him he needed to wait to re-enter the ministry because he and his new wife were not ready to lead. Then he called me after a service and told me he and someone who I had mentored for years was starting a new church. I firmly rebuked him and took necessary actions to protect the church.
What was his problem? Not willing to go through the process. A problem that many potentially good leaders face. If you don't go through the process you are cheating yourself and those that God has called you to lead.
Recently, Alex Rodriquez, one of the greatest baseball players of all time confessed to using steroids. He said it was out of ignorance, youth, bad influences and more. In reality he knew he was good and tried to speed up the process by cheating. Because he cheated it will tarnish his role in the history of baseball and may cost him his spot in the hall of fame. No matter how good ... how anointed you think you are don't forgo the process.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Integrity Matters
I remember a few years ago attending a satelite conference at Open Door Baptist in Enterprise. This was a John Maxwell conference. One of the keynote speakers was motivationalist Zig Ziglar. He was emphatic about the importance of integrity. He shared that he doesn't even go to lunch with his secretary to avoid the appearance of wrong doing. He adressed the situation of former President, Bill Clinton. I remember him looking right in the camera..pointing his finger and proclaiming...Mr. Clinton integrity does matter.
It seems we like to point the finger at others while we deviate in our own areas. That is what I call hypocritical! Jesus spoke about these things when he said, 'why do you desire to remove a splinter from your brothers eye when you have a log in yours.'
I am the first to admit that I struggle in some areas just like other folks struggle in some areas. I have learned that most people are willing to offer grace in an admitted struggle. But, the hypocritical out-right lack of integrity is something that can become a stigma that is nearly impossible to remove. So I am crying out for integrity in our churches, and especially among our leaders.
Some keys to helping you achieve a life of integrity:
- Allow 2 or 3 people in your life that have the liberty to say anything they need to say.
- Confess sin immediately, most of us don't need someone else to tell us when we sin.
- If you need to make something right with someone, sooner is better than later.
- Personal retreats are good for times of personal reflection.
- Prayer will keep you close to God. Journaling your prayer time may help!
- Bombard yourself with the Word! Renew that mind!
- Be accountable to someone that you respect as a spiritual leader.
- Do not let anything keep you from regular worship services. Connect to a local church.
- If a problem becomes serious you may want to consider professional counseling. Counseling is better than a life of constant compromise.
- Admit your our weakness He is made strong!
- Be careful who you hang with. Birds of a feather flock together.
- Quit trying to be in control. An old church slogan comes to mind...let go and let God!
- Admit when you are wrong.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in every area of your life.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Lessened Depression
In reading over many of the notes over the last 4 or 5 years I noticed an unusually high amount of comments on how I was feeling down emotionally. Also, was the constant concerns of being connected to a ministry that lacked integrity.
Since coming out from under the control and manipulation of Word of Life I have not noted the first depressed feeling...that has been over a year. There has to be something to that. I feel like I have been released from some sort of cult or something.
I see people all over the world who are under the spiritual control of their leaders. I never let those people control me, but I always worried what they would do to destroy my name because they have done that with so many others. NOW I COULD CARE LESS WHAT THEY THINK OR SAY!!!
The reason I think I am even really thinking about the situation is because there are so many in the community who have read that the old church is going up for auction. That's right instead of signing it back to us as they said. The regime let it go into foreclosure. Really kingdom minded aren't they.
Everyone out there in blog land... spiritual leaders are there to lead you in your walk with Christ not to control you.
Does your pastor require body guards just to come to church? Some church settings I have visited seemed more like mafia than anything. Are your spiritual leaders approachable and accessible? Remember in large churches there is usually a chain of command you will need to follow before getting to the top. Has your leader been accused of one immoral incident after another? Sexual and financial misconduct is usually at the top, but also includes the rebuke of others when asked the simplest of questions. Is your pastor selling what he preaches about the most? Jesus would probably flip tables in most of our church foyers!!!
Don't be afraid to ask questions...if you find that avoidance, lies and misreprsentations of the facts are what you get....take my advice and LEAVE! RUN! Get the heck out of there! Be careful they will prophecy your gloom and doom, but remember God has not given you the spirit of fear.
I am alarmed at the number of pastors who are more protective of their names than that of God. When there is more offense over the questioning of a leader as opposed to the taking of God's name in vain that scares the crap out of me.
If we as leaders expect people to walk with integrity and loyalty then we must lead the charge. Why should we expect loyalty if we offer none!
Anyway it is nice not to be so dang depressed all the time.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Lovefest Con't Sunday
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Gargantuous Shift Is Taking Place
Those of you that are ready and believing you better get ready. I wonder what it will look like when all the dust settles?
Its like a shaking has begun. Take will see things much clearer when the dust settles. Churches that are poised for growth are about to explode. Unfortunately, some will implode! Those that have nothing to offer hurting lost people will collapse. Some will struggle with the intended purpose of refocusing and even redefining their purpose. We must stand poised and ready to offer hope...hope found only in Jesus Christ!
Even mega-churches will feel the impact of what is taking place, but they too must refocus. No time to rely on programs and marketing agendas. Not that I am opposed to those things. I think God is simply wanting all of us to get focused on Him. Totally caught up in what He is doing!
Financial blessing will abound to those that are willing to give even when the mentality is to hord. Don't lose hope...offer it!!!
LOVE Your Church Starts Tonight @ 6:30
The membership class is LOVE Your Church. This is a four week class that will take place in my home every Wednesday during the month of Febuary. Child care is being provided so come if you don't have a baby sitter. This class will start promptly at 6:30 and will be finished at 7:30ish.
The classes are:
Get in on the ground floor!!! For those who finish the entire four weeks it will enable you to then get on the ministry tract. This is designed for those who are interested in using their spiritual gifts to serve within the church. After the ministry tract you can begin the process of becoming a ministry leader....which can lead to being asked to be on the visionary leadership team. It just depends on where you feel God wants you to be.
There will be a cookout for all new members in June/July (TBA). This cookout will be for all those who successfully complete the first tract in Febuary or May.
Looking forward to seeing you tonight!!!
Just a reminder to all those who have been in leadership. You have to take this class to remain in leadership.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Message Reflections From Yesterday
Do you remember the simplicity of John 3:16 in yesterdays message?
1. God loves
2. God gave
3. We receive
4. We share
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Sunday!
The worship was intense today. WOW! God's presence still has my mind dwelling on His awesome power. And most importantly we saw six or seven people come to Christ! AMEN!
God is worthy of all our praise...keep it up...let's keep the big mo rolling!