In a down economy its easy to get depression mentality. To hold on to "things" and not let go. Remember that this world's economy is not God's economy. He owns it all belongs to Him. One of the concerns of ministries all over the world is the lack of charitable giving due to our nations economic crisis. I have some thoughts I want to share in regards to spending, saving, and giving.
1. Avoid being spontaneous. Check for sale prices on items you need to purchase. Be sure to check the newspaper for sales through out the holiday season. Comparitive shop on items that can be purchased online. Ebay is a good place to get items at a cheaper price (just be sure to calculate shipping costs in your budget). To save even more money be sure to check for local sellers online...try to work a deal where you can pick up the item without paying any shipping and handling fees.
2. Get out of debt. One of the wisest things I beleive we can do is get out of debt. Many people are sinking under the flood of inflation, rising costs, rising interest rates and the like. I have noted a few ways to get out debt. Start with your smallest debt and work your way up to the largest. Contact your creditors if your interest rates are rising. In the event you are not making ends meet you may need to contact a credit couseling agency (start with Dave Ramsey). I am often asked about bankruptcy...that should only be used as an absolute last resort. Before considering bankrupcy exhaust all other options. Proverbs tells us the borrower is servant to the lender...Craig Groeshel calls debt bondage!
3. Budget your spending. Laurie and I found ourselves on a very tight budget when gas went over $4 per gallon. I set aside $100 per week and said when thats gone we don't go anywhere. We also set aside $150 per week for groceries. During the summer that wasn't buying many groceries, but we ate what we had and rarely ate at restraunts.
4. Clip coupons. Take the time to check your papaer and print coupon off the internet. Laurie is very good about clipping coupons. She gets all excited to see how much she saved at the bottom of her receipt. Often she will save up to $20 off our grocery bill.
5. Have an emergency savings. Try to build an emergency account of $1000. This could be for unexpected car repairs, house repairs, or you never know when tragedy may strike your family which may force you to travel, or a hurricane may force you away from your home.
6. Start saving. Once you get out of debt open a savings account. Start putting money away for large purchases, college or retirment.
7. Give to Gods Work. This is what I want to talk about in this blog as I beleive giving reveals the condition of your heart.
Charles Stanley said that there are two ways that you can determine a persons love for the Lord. First, check their date book to see how much time they spend with Him. Second, look at their check book to see how much they give to Him. Later this week I will blog about tithing, offerings, blessing others, and caring for the poor.
Today I want to talk about your heart. Scripture tells us where our treasure is that's where our heart will be. The text for today is 2 Corinthians 9:7...
"You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully" (New Living Translation)
I always pray about what I should give before I arrive at any church service. Giving is part of our worship to God so its not something I only think about when the offering is being received. So let me encourage you to pray about any offerings you give to any ministry. Allow the spirit of God to speak to you and guide you in your giving. Anytime you feel compassion going out it is a good sign that God may be leading you.
I also detest gimmic giving. Give because God has laid it on your heart. Never give if you feel pressured. Take time to walk away, get counsel or pray over the request for money. When we are struggling financially its easy to get tricked into giving to greedy "preachers". Let me tell you this if everyone watching a particular television show sends $52.12 it allows them to keep living their lavish lifestyles absorbed with greed and materialism. Because millions of people send money. Don't get me wrong alot of ministries are credible and committed to Christ...I also recognize they don't seem to be so pressure oriented.
But your heart is at the matter of it all. Once you have decided to give...don't stress! God loves a cheerful giver. I have heard some say that this can be translated 'hilarious giver'. To me that means we should give with a smile on our face. I remember a time when I would take the offering that a lady named Helen would applaud and that would spark others to shout amen and so on. It was awesome...people were excited to give. We need to be cheeful givers and that can only spring from a heart that is full of gratitude. Generous givers full of cheer can help a church grow and reach its full potential.
Take time to rest
1 year ago
Great book, I mean post! These are awesome practical steps to getting your finances in order.
The TWO Greatest books I can recommend to help with getting rid if debt is:
"Pay It Down!: From Debt to Wealth on $10 a Day" By: Jean Chatzky
Publisher:Portfolio (2006)
For heavy debt including mortgages, High car debts etc...Seriously Look into "Rapid Debt Reduction Strategies" by John Avanzini
Publisher: His Image Ministries (1990)
Since this book is a a little older you will nee to check your bank note and see how to "wiggle in" the system
OH I also forgot to say... I get TONES of coupons. I will be glad to pass them around the group. OR have a coupon party. Just let me know.
Purchase a Sunday Dothan Eagle for some great coupons. I know, it's a shameless plug, but Martha cuts a bunch out every week and it helps. You also find out where the best deals are through the advertising.
Of course, you should really buy it for the superior contet, but the ads and coupons are great too.
I am all about a party!!!
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