What a crazy year this has been! The year began with all of us making a huge impact on the nation of India. That was so exciting to watch as God miracuously provided for that life long dream. During the course of this year I felt like it was time to turn complete control of Love In Action over to Ken Tuck. Ken has taken the reigns and the ministry is in better condition than I could have ever imagined.
This year has had its challenges, as well. It was a difficult choice to breakaway from Word of Life, but I knew to accomplish what God wanted us to do it was the only way. Even the leadership of Word of Life always talked about those that you are connected too. I still don't understand why the entire board acted with such a lack concern, but there are lessons still to be learned from all that I am sure. You all know how I feel about relationships...putting a 20 year relationship on the line during the WOL battle was really hard on me. Through it all I still love Pastor Hank and all those involved, and I encourage you to do the same.
Now, I am not one of those people that will try to get you all preached up with some sort of prophetic statement as to what the next year might hold. Considering the way things have unfolded this year, my attitude is just give things a chance and pay close attention. The economy might bounce back ...it might get worse. I will say this the nay-sayers are driving me crazy. I am not going out to buy a bunch of ammo...at least not yet!
I voted for President Bush...there are things I love about him and things I don't like about him. But, I don't like the fact that someone can attack our president and all we as Americans can do is laugh about it...the shoeicide bomber needed his head beat in on national television....bad job by his security. I feel the same way about Barack Obama. He is the president we elected and I don't want the world thinking they can just assault our leaders at will, because that may lead many to beleive that they can attack the rest of us as well. Someone throws a shoe at me while I'm traveling they gettin' a West Virginia butt woopin'. Right after I turn the other cheek back around from ducking and weaving. We have to give the pres-elect a chance, and please quit buying into all the online, off-the-wall rumors that get started. Your name does not make you a Muslim. I have heard Barack say he is a Christian...I will say he is a very liberal person who has made claims to be a Christian. I totally disagree with the liberals (especially the gay community) in the way they have attacked Pastor Rick Warren. It is obvious the Rick has a ton of influence in Barack's life...ladies and gentleman leadership is influence. Let's give this a chance. Obama may usher in plagues and infestastions, but God may also use the Christians surrounding him to reverse Roe v. Wade. I know its unlikely but one of the greatest pastors of all time is a great friend to the most powerful man in the free world. Let's hope for the best.
Wow, I guess I had alot to say about that...let's get back to the church for a minute. Last week I took some much needed time off. I have one more week of vacation that I will use during the last week of the year. For those of you who have made comments....I still love ya. But I am taking my vacation time and I suggest you do the same. I have busted my butt this year, and quite frankly I need a little break. Lisa Mock has also worked hard to keep alot of the business element of our church in smooth working order. She is operating the business end of the church from her home. SHE DESERVES A GET AWAY CRUISE IF ANYONE DOES. She has worked hard for our church and we all should be thankful for that. I know that I am. We love you Lisa...yeah wooo, you rock girl...
Anyway, I am feelin' fine for 2009 and when the new year turns you all better be ready to hit the ground running because we are moving forward with serious force. Leaders need to be ready to lead! Volunteers are going to be celebrated because with out them our church is stuck in neutral. God is going to be glorified. Changes have got to take place. Growth in every area is a must! New campus in Florida is rolling out! People are going to get saved, healed, delivered! We are going to give til it hurts! God is going to bless! I beleive those that talk about us are going to come and talk to us! Invite your friends. Make a list. Get your family in church. This is a new year coming and we are turning over a new leaf. You all are about to see me step it up a notch in my leadership. This ain't for wishee washee mambee pambee coom-buya singing religious folks. Get out the way cause Christ-life Church is moving forward. Get out da way cause if you don't you might get run over...we rolling like a locomotive. The train is leaving station.... All aboard! Let's Roll!!!!
Take time to rest
1 year ago
Very Well Put! We all have to keep a positive attitude, and stop letting the news darken our future. If nobody watched the news, then nobody would know about the recession the country is in, therefore the outlook would still be positive. Do we all see the control the media has on us, the politics, the economy, and our frame of mind. Sometimes it's just best to look around you than at the TV. Have a wonderful Christmas, and God Bless You ALL!
I agree with David. Don't watch the shallow TV news. Pick up the Dothan Eagle and you'll know exactly what's going on. :-)
Excellent blog Bro. If you are kicking your leadership skills up another notch, Enterprise and NSB better watch out. You're an awesome leader and 2009 is going to be an awesome year for you and for all of us who are ready to kick it up another notch.
This is our chance as the Body of Christ to show the people in our communities the true love of Jesus Christ. Though 2009 is not shaping up to be a great year for the economy, nothing can hurt God's economy. If we trust in Him, He will keep us.
The key is will the entire Body of Christ be ready to step up and help others. It all goes back to Psalm 41:1, "Blessed is he who considers the poor." God talks to us about helping the poor throughout the Bible. Don't help the poor with some lame idea that God will make you rich for doing it, but help the poor because of the compassion of Christ that is inside of every Christian.
I'm excited too Bro., but you already know that. 2008 was an incredible year. It was filled with struggles and fears of losing my mom. Which of course I didn't, because God has healed her and she's doing great now. At work, it was the toughest year I've ever had as a manager. But, we also experienced our most successful year in many areas.
It's all in determining if we are going to trust God or not. 2009 is going to be an awesome year. Let's do it Bro. Every vision God has ever given us, let's go for. Life is too short not to go for it when you are living for God.
Praise God, now I'm even more fired up after reading your blog. Thanks Bro.
BTW, James and his national guard unit made it safely to Kuwait. They will be there for about two weeks to get acclimated, then they will move on to Mosul. Please keep praying for him. His e-mail address is: james.reid10@us.army.mil
I know he would love hearing from you.
Martha and I will see you on Christmas Day. Love you Bro!
I am so ready! I am looking forward to seeing people put there money where there mouth is, put the pedal to the medal, and put up or shutup! That may be mean but thats just the truth. And I hope that you remind me of this blog if I slack off in my duties! I hope you are harder on me this year than you have ever been! I love you man and I have your back!
Todd...not a problem...hee,hee!
I didn't figure it would be Bro. Mike. I think i just cursed myself! Oh Lord help me. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
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