IIII'mmm baaaaaaaack!
Gosh darn I missed you all! Its good to get back in the blogosphere. After a vacation like I have had...I need a break! Just kidding...all you fellow pastors out there be sure to take your much deserved time off as noone will force you to do it since you only work one day per week...and thats only for an hour.
Well, let me jump out of the ocean (vacation terms) right into the fire. I am a pretty regular follower of politics. It seems most politicians have "their " agenda. Isn't that true of most people? We all want it the way we would like to see it.
Politicians are the masters of promoting their own ideologies. Unfortunately, it seems that they surround themselves with those who offer blind followership. And when opposition arises those who oppose must be destroyed.
I actually have a soft spot for politicians. They say they want to make a difference and help the people. Unfortunately, the power they gain overtakes them and the working for the people seems to go out the window. As a leader, that happens to be a Christian, I would like to think that all I do is to better the people that follow me. Particularly, in their walk with Jesus.
The power given to a pastor is every bit as intoxicating as our politicians. We are given the authority to speak directly into the lives of people every single day. Some pastors speak into millions of lives daily by way of media resources. Other pastors find their sphere of influence to a hand full of followers. Regardless...there is a power that comes with that influence.
For years I have sought to find the proper balance of the use of the power granted to me by God to speak into the lives of His people. I abhor the mindset of its my way or the highway. At the same time I am frustrated by the lack of team work within His kingdom.
Toleration has crippled many churches that should have sought ethical ways to have their pastor removed from position. Other pastors have no business being in the place of leadership. I know that sounds harsh, but at times I have felt like I shouldn't be in leadership. My sin, my anger, my frustration, my mistakes, my attitude, my laziness, my selfishness and more have often brought me to the proverbial mirror and forced me to look at myself on many occasions.
On the other hand, some pastors have received unfair treatment at the hands of self-righteous, self-centered, undisciplined, rebellious, lying, cheating, cry-baby, equally frustrating, shallow, and may I say non-tithing church people. Any good pastor is going to get tithing in there some how. But, how are we to act with the power that is placed in our hands when it comes to leading the church?
My concern is that to many of us in authority rule more like dictators than those granted power from on high. I have been to the same conferences you have that encourage us to lead without worrying about what others think. We are told to surround ourselves with like minded people. I call them yes-men. Develop an up-yours mindset and push our agenda. Even brutally destroying those that object to our vision. Did you hear that...destroying those that don't agree with us! Sounds like Sadam Hussein.
Most Christians would consider themselves to be conservative, and thus detesting ideologies of liberalism being forced upon them. We openly criticize those that do things we don't like when they hold political power. We do that because we live in a country where we can disagree with our leaders. There are countries where the disagreement voiced concerning the leading regime could cost you your life.
So, why do we as leaders immediately go on the offensive when people don't see it like we do? How can we develop well oiled team-machines with yes-men? Why are ideas that aren't ours so intimidating?
Worse yet...how bout the extremist...who truly beleive that disagreement with them evokes the wrath of God for insubordination. Pastors that lead with fear tactics. Touch not my annointed...and that's me! God will get you if you disagree. This lack-of-leadership style scares me. But, I meet so many church folks that won't say anything for fear of what might happen to them. IF YOUR PASTOR IS NOT APPROACHABLE OR ACCOUNTABLE .... GET OUT! If fear tactics is your leaders response be very careful. So, fed up with church leaders that exalt their name above the Name above all Names.
Why do we have church leadership models that resemble dictatorships? I wonder what sort of modern day political model would actually work within the church?
Take time to rest
1 year ago
I think dictator type leadership comes from insecurity and weakness. Christ led from self-sacrifice. I think that should be our model. We should invest ourselves into those who follow us so they can be leaders themselves. A professional minister equips others to be ministers!
Well Said Brian.
And sometimes we can listen to members of other churches and get an idea of what their pastor feeds them. Today, a good friend knowing that we are members of Christ-Life Church directly told us that we need to go to their church. That told me that their pastor had rather surround himself and fill his church with people that already know Christ. The Lazy way out. When is the last time we surrounded ourselves with non-church going good old boy cussing, drinking drug addicted people just waiting for someone to hold out their hand and lead them to Christ? When is the last time we visited a jail, talked with the prisoners, ministered to a hungry family. We need to blend with all walks of life, there's someone out there that needs your hand, a portal to meet Jesus. We shouldn't try to pull another church's congregation, we want people to meet Jesus, but if someone wanders in, looking for a Church, we still welcome them just like anyone else that graces our doors.
Holy snikey batman...someone is getting it out there in church land...
You said, "I wonder what sort of modern day political model would actually work within the church?"
Based on what I know and understand of today's politicians and government, no political model would work within the church. Seems to me that would be like trying to mix oil and water, good and evil, etc.
Bravo to Brian and David!! Their comments were very good and on the mark!
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