Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Outpouring - Pt. 1 Problem Identified

Well I wanted to wait a day or two so I could look back and post a blog with proper hind-sight instead of writing under the lack of adrenalin that Monday so often offers. I'm glad I did because yesterday was blah...kind of strange considering how awesome Sunday was. The Outpouring has begun at Christ-Life Church.

First, thank you to all the faithful people that have hung in there in the transition from The Potter's House to Christ Life...from Battens to Davids Catfish House. You deserve a crown! Beleive me when I say this you are going to look back and be glad that you stayed. You didn't let your feelings get hurt, you stayed even though tired, and you have not made it about you...God will honor that....and I love you for it!

Many of you have kept tithing right through the worst of financial calamity in our country. Remember that tithe is given to God, and He knows your obedience in doing so. You have put God first...now He is about to bless you with first-class ministry.

I am going out on a limb here but I want you to know the vision I have from God...I admit I have not enjoyed living in Enterprise. As an outsider it has been very difficult to make true friends in this very clickish/political town. The spiritual enviroment seems to operate under the same conditions which is typical of most places. Churches often take on the enviroment of the community. Another thing is that this place is so flipping boring. There is nothing to do...and this is where I believe its time to go out on a limb. Since this town is so boring...why not create a church that is the exciting thing to do in Enterprise (with Gods help of course). A church where people will want to attend, visit, become a member and get involved. Where its all about Jesus...He is lifted up ... and people are drawn. A church where men can gather for fellowship. Where women can build strong relaionships. Where the youth are being shaped into world changers. A place where discipleship is still part of the vision! A church that people are being added to daily. A place where the poorest are seated right next to the wealthiest...and they have a mutual love for each other. OH...there's more! How about touching the entire world with the joy of the Lord instead of being frustrated by all the junk that happens.

The book of Joel revealed a huge problem...a plague of locusts. The locusts destroyed everything the people of God had. It translated into 4 more problems:
  1. No New Wine! To me that is symbolic of the absence of the Holy Spirit. Remember when David commited adultry and had someone murdered. In Psalm 51 he prayed God do not take your Holy Spirit from me. I say it like this... God do not take your spirit of holiness from me. When things are so bad you cann't even feel the Spirit of God you become tempted to comprise your personal holiness. For God to restore, His Holy Spirit must be the guiding force. Not what I want...not what you want...egos must go! The Holy Spirit operates to point people to Jesus. So, for there to be new wine in our midst we must simply be conduits by which the Holy Spirit can flow and direct people to Jesus!
  2. No Offerings! The priest were morning because there was nothing to offer God. No money..no burnt offerings...nothing and it was demoralizing. When you are stripped of everything and you have nothing left to offer God it is depressing. Most godly people want to give more than they do. Authentic pastors wish their respective churches would prosper so they could do more for the kingdom. If you have nothing material to offer God...offer Him you! Do as Isaiah did and declare here am I Lord! Isaiah had some work to be done inside of him...but he still made himself available to God. Offer yourself to God!
  3. No joy! Unhappy Christians...need I say more. Enjoy Jesus...its time that we wipe the frown of disappoint off our faces. Many of you may be weak...let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Remember in our weaknesses He is made strong. Let Jesus live through you! Don't let this world drain you of the things this world cann't restore. The world didn't give it to me and the world cann't take it away. Remember the old song...this joy that I have, the world didn't give it and the world cann't take it away. Don't confuse happiness with joyfulness...you can still have joy even if you're not happy with the conditions you find yourself in.
  4. No celebration! Three songs a message and out the door. There's a problem when the most exciting part of a church service is the benediction. Celebrate Jesus! Forget all the other junk that is going on in your life and get focused on the One who saved your soul. Worship should be an audience of One. Its not what you get out of worship...its what you put into it. Celebrate, Shout, Dance, Sing, Clap, Cry...just do it. God is worthy...He inhabits the praises of His people. If we aren't celebrating Him we will not experience His presence.

To restore all the things that had been stripped away God required two things....rip your heart open in my presence and intercede for the people. I invited people who used to attend primarily to get them interceding for us because I saw how tired and weak we had become. When our strongest leaders were ready to throw in the towel I knew we had entered desperate times. Desperate times require desperate measures. It was was so amazing to see people who left our church (some years ago) come in with a smile on their face and worship with us. By the end of the day...some asked forgiveness for hurting the church by leaving the way they did...other recommitted their lives to Jesus....during the week some people emailed and let us know they could not come but that they were praying for us. Some have told me that they have wanted to come back, but that will have to be between them and God.

Through all the hurt of the past couple years (especially) I feel its time to allow God to restore what has been taken, pour out His Spirit and to move on. I want everyone to know I do not hate Hank Davis or Word of Life officials. What they did was unethical and immoral but it is not up to me to seek revenge. God will repay them...they already have their reward. I must forgive them so I can be totally focused on what God's will might be for our fellowship. None of us are called to wrestle with flesh and blood! I feel as if we (primarily me) had entered that arena so I now gracefully bow out. I now stand in the gap for you...asking God to restore more than you lost. To grow our church out of a restraunt...to be the light of the world. From this time forward no more mentioning of the wrongs brought to our church...lets move forward in the power of the Spirit.

1 comment:

Ken Tuck said...

Hey Bro. Well, like I told you on the phone, God has answered one of your prayer requests already. :-) Actually, I think Dewayne has been secretly praying that he could eat catfish on Sundays, so they are now going to start serving on Sundays.
In all seriousness, I know without a shadow of a doubt God is doing something great. He hears the cries and prayers of you and the great people at Christ-Life, and He knows your heart. I really believe something great is about to happen. Praise God for what He is doing, even though we might not understand it. He does. His thoughts and ways are way higher than ours. Keeping casting all of your cares upon the Lord and He will keep taking care of everything. I can't wait to see what He is up to. I know you have great leaders and prayers warriors in Justin, Tony and Dewayne. I've been in the trenches with all of you before and I couldn't think of any better men of God I'd rather have with me when things get tough. Keep praying and seeking God's will. I know everything is going to work out great. I love you Bro., and I love the people at Christ-Life Church.