Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It Takes A Team

Over the past few years I have been blessed with a great team of leaders. I have come to realize that it takes a team of committed believers that buy into the vision and desire to make it happen. The Potter's House has faced some serious challenges over the past couple years and God has had the right people on board the whole time. Yeah, people have come , pretended to buy in, and then bolted when they realized it wasn't about them. But how 'bout these folks that have hunkered down...survived our storms...and still see great things ahead for our church. I have asked God to make us grow...spiritually and numerically. For that to happen we need His blessing...that's a given. We also need everyone on board committed to the vision and doing what it takes to make it happen. I have been blessed as the leadership core we have now has remained committed for nearly eight years. We have even added a few here and there. It will take a team that is willing to work hard and go the extra mile to see this vision come to pass. The old saying that there is no I in TEAM has to apply. What God has shown us...where God is taking us...what He desires to do in and through us...will require that we all work together. Even if at times we don't get our way. I look forward to watching God grow our church, our influence and our team...

1 comment:

justin said...

Thank-you for developing a team and allowing me to be a part of it. You have taught me how to lead. --Justin