God is so amazing! When I look back over the last couple years, and to see what happened this weekend my heart leaps with joy. To be honest I have no idea where or how to start this reflection.
Over the last couple weeks we have made preperation to move into a permanent location. That alone was exciting, but to see what God did in our service was overwhelming.
For the last several months we have met in parks, restraunts, other churches, and homes. Really never knowing where we would be from week to week. We watched as our attendance dwindled, finances depleted, and spiritual life became difficult. In my mind I remember it seemed like all we had left was five little kids...that got on the van...and sat in the middle of my floor. For some reason I remember that day...it was around the time that I decided to quit. It was also the day that the bus kids sat on my floor and poured their hearts out in worship.
There have been days that it seemed like noone was left and then there were days I can remember sharing the message at my house with people actually laying under the table to listen.
First, I want to thank all of you who dared to believe...who hung in there...and was willing to endure the hardship of the past couple years. I know it was hard on you. My heart is humbled by your desire to keep our church together. I am more convinced than ever that God is right in the middle of all we are doing.
Several of you came and shared in the diligence of preparing our new place of worship. Some were there for hours...skipping family time...working when you could have been resting...painting, prepping, pruning, practicing, and more!
Then it was finished...we called a time of prayer...we locked the door in anticipation of who is going to come. As 10AM rolled around I felt like the big game was about to take place...I was actually nervous...I felt like I had hit the lottery...but better! I told myself if there's 5 people...I'm preaching like there's 5000...other than the ministry team...the first couple to arrive was first time visitors, then the van pulled up out front, then those who had not been in a long time, then those who worked all week...and I realized it was on..it was happening...we were coming to worship together...
Ryan hit the first note...the presence of God invaded the place...we all worshipped standing at the foot of the cross...my wife and her beautiful voice like the sound of an angel...our friends of 10 years...the elders with the pride of knowing we had just made a huge step...a nursery to keep the kids...announcements of things to come...a message that has been transforming my walk with Christ...and a final point preached by the Father and orchestrated by the Holy Spirit....
You can follow the series on www.christ-lifechurch.com...but I have got to tell you what happened that brought me to tears. I shared a message on Trust. The theme was no shame in trusting God. I let the congregation know they could trust God with anything...good or bad. I am concluding my messge...I am about to tell the church I am trusting God to build and add to our church...when just as I begin to say it (keep in mind I am at the end of my messge)...8 people walk in that Justin had invited at a gas station... I literally broke down in tears...almost the entire crowd came forward to trust God...many had hands raised, families praying together, tears were rolling, the saints were ministering to each other, and God was moving!
The wild thing is...I'm already nervous about what God might do this week...the anticipation is incredible...the excitement is back and stronger than ever...the pieces are coming together...its beyond what i thought it would be. God is so good! And if I may steal a line for Kurt Warner, "Thank you Jesus!"
Take time to rest
11 months ago
1 comment:
Thank you Jesus, indeed. God is so awesome. Thanks for sharing. Those of us who were once part of your church, but have moved love reading about what God is doing. It's great to read your blog and Justin's. It's exciting and encourages me to keep trusting in God, especially as LIA is coming up on a big project. Thanks for encouraging, and thanks for being the awesome man of God that you are. I love you Bro.
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