Sorry I didn't get this posted until Wednesday morning. I wanted to get you started on a Bible study this week. Its a follow up to last week...
In reading I Corinthians 12:9-10 we find five more gifts. I will call some of these gifts...the eye-brow raising gifts. These gifts have caused quite a stir in the Christian community. Some believe they exist and others explain them away. I want to make a profound statement...If a person claims to believe the entire counsel of God's Word, then you must believe it in its entirity and not pick only the parts you like.
When it comes to the phenomenon of gifts (scripture calls it the activities) it does cause quite a stir. It makes us uncomfortable. Sparking debates which range from ultra-gift usage in every service to referring to gifts in operation as the work of Satan.
Miracles are when God does something that only he can do. The task is not accomplished by natural means. It is the use of super-natural means. Our God is a super-natural God. Miracles are so numbed down today...we think if God answers a prayer its a miracle...far from it. A miracle is shaking of a poisonous snake in the fire...a miracle is walking on water...we have so dulled what we think a miracle to be that we now scoff when one truly happens. There are those in the kingdom that serve us with the gift of miracles. Our God is a God of miracles.
Prophecy is the forthtelling. Unfortunately, many hotel conference room preachers have used this as a tactic to control and manipulate people. What I believe...if you're going to say "thus sayeth the Lord" it better be God. Remember in the OT people died for falsely prophecying. They were false prophets. At the same time we cannot say the gift does not exist if scripture validates its usage. God does desire to speak to his people. Both to bless and correct.
Discerning of Spirits is the ability to sift through all the voices of people, the flesh, the Spirit and even the evil one. Discernment is a great gift to have when there is potential demonic activity involved in a situation. Also, I encourage people to talk with discerning people when trying to make a decision. A month ago I was stalking my antique booth. I always run into this family that are really out there when it comes to their supernatural beliefs. The mother of the family comes up to me saying "they got me again, I'm itching on my arm". I knew right then I did not want to be part of this discussion. She informed me that demon spirits bite her sometimes and it makes her itch. I was like get away from me. I did not discern demons biting her...I discerned horrible teaching and a bit of plain craziness working in that person.
Now, the one noone likes. Tongues! It seems to me to be the gift that causes more division than any other. Divisions for two reasons...abuse and misunderstanding. The gift of tongues is when a person speaks a language they have not formally learned. Acts chapter 2 was the gift of tongues in action. Many churches abuse this gift (along with a few others) making some church services seem like a freak show. I have seen well meaning people totally misapply and misuse tongues. On the other hand, I have seen legalism try to apply rules that aren't anywhere near what scripture implies. Once again you have to take the whole counsel of God's Word. Criptic scriptures are the basis of heresy.
The interpretation of tongues is when a person hears what is spoken in tongues and either understands or gives the message in a known tongue. Nowhere do I find that the sole validation of tongues requires an interpreter. I know what Paul said...and I agree...but what about the rest of what Paul said. Singing in the spirit, speaking in tongues more than y'all do, five words understood than ten thousand not understood...we have to look at it all in context.
Well, I anticipate a stir. Yet I feel I have a good grasp on the "eye-brow raising" gifts. What are your them if you would like.
Take time to rest
1 year ago
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