He speaks and we listen. We bow down to His every command. His desires have become our desires. We follow His will to the letter. Out of fear we serve Him unconditionally. We obey Him to thwart His wrath. The problem is ... HE IS ONLY FIVE YEARS OLD!
C'mon man! What the heck parents. Get a backbone...its time to take our homes back. Its time for children to see who's in charge. How are you helping your kids when all you do is cater to them? So much is running through my head right now...I must focus.
Let's focus on regaining control of your home. First, FATHERS...lead your home like a Godly man should. Love your wife like Christ loved the church, and don't provoke your children to do things that they in turn can blame on you! Love, honor, cherish, respect your wife. And when the little ones don't respect your wife it is your job to put them in their place. Your kids will learn to respect their mother from you! You treat her like crap and so will they! Cuss her...so will they! Use her...so will they! Abuse her...so will they! But when you decide to be a real man and refuse to let your children "dis" the love of your life they will come in line.
Here's how it works...notice I said works...my kids are older but they better respect my wife. For years my kids heard me say...don't talk to your mother like that.
Over twenty years ago I was in a McDonalds...a mother accidentally got mustard on her sons burger. He stood...took the burger apart...walked over to his mother and smeared the mustard in her face. I WAS LIVID! Where do you think he learned that behavior? I would bet it was from his father! Maybe even his absenteeism! That little boy had learned how to control, manipulate, abuse and punish his mother for doing something wrong. She wiped her face and got him another burger. (PERSONAL CONFESSION: TO THIS DAY I WANT TO BEAT THAT KIDS BOTTOM TIL HE CANN'T SIT DOWN)
And all those pansy parents are angry at the thought that I wanted to beat that kids bottom, and its probably your kids that inspire this blog. Now, I know I'm in your face but someone better save your kids from you!
Parents its time to get back to raising our kids like God has instructed us too. Not, how the school system tells us to. Not, how the media tells us to. Not, that build your kids self-esteem crap. That's what has gotten us into this mess. And definitely not how the government tells us to raise our kids.
To raise your kids the right way will require you to make some courageous changes. Proverbs tells us to raise them in the way they should go...and when they get older they won't depart from those ways. Okay...lets talk something as simple as going to church. Do you really expect your kids to be on a Godly course by keeping them away from the place designed for them to encounter God? I have an idea...keep them out of school for months at a time and see what happens. Remember you are setting them on course for their older years by the way you lead them in their younger years.
Let's start there...Courageous Change #1 You and your kids get to church...oh by the way, when they get there don't expect us to let your kid scream all the way through service just because THEY said they didn't want to go in the nursery! More forth coming...
Take time to rest
1 year ago