Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Reflections!!!

Today was a good day but I will not give it a great. The crowd was great very little room to sit. From what I could tell there were only a few seats on the front that were empty. The reason I would only call it good was because of me. Over the years I have come to grips with every message will not be a homerun. Its weird...most times I go to the pulpit with an outline ....I follow it with very few glances. Then, there are days like today ... where every time I got to a point I could not recall my next point for nothing. It was frustrating. I like to be fluent and today was really choppy. For that I apologize, but maybe its the one that we talked about. You know today we tackled the existance of Satan. Why is there evil in the world? In case you missed today we talked about that Satan is the prince of this world. That he is NOT all-knowing or ever-present. But he is organized and influences regions of the world and individuals through his organization of demons. Anytime I speak on messages like this there is a tremendous amount of spiritual warfare that takes place. Most of you that were there probably didn't notice, but I had to do something very unlike the conclusion of the message I went directly outside to get fresh air and try to clear my head. It never fails when God gives me a message like that there is always tremendous warfare that comes along with it. I'm sure just as it is in the natural realm...that the enemy does not like to be exposed. On top of that I really felt like there was people in service today that needed to hear the message...I believe people were challenged on a greater scale than we could imagine. I am blessed to know that there are people in our fellowship who were deep in the grip of Satan and today they follow Jesus. The seats of our church have ex-cons, ex-spouses, ex-occultist, ex-addicts and the list could go on. My prayer is that we could all experience the complete victory that Christ desires to bring into our lives. We do not have to lay down and let the battles that the enemy brings defeat us. We are more than conquerors through Christ our Lord. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in this world. .... Its funny I 'm sitting here blogging while Joel Osteen is on know how I always joke about his positive attitude...while I am typing he is preaching the bigger your challenges the bigger plans God has for if he is on target we have some big things coming...and it is no wonder that it seems that the devil meets us at every turn...God is great... Tonight as you go to bed take time to praise God for the things he has done, and praise Him loud for the big things He is about to do!

1 comment:

David Berry said...

We all have good days an bad days, but when you are teaching and praising the Word of God, It doesn't matter if it's choppy, or smooth, it's always good. Keep up the great work you do, and I am sure all would agree with me, We appreciate what you o and the hard work you put into this Church. You did get the message out, that's what's important.